P&C and School 2022 Joint Survey

At the beginning of Term 3 the P&C and School issued a joint survey to all
parents and carers of students. An amazing 421 people completed the survey!!! This is fantastic, so a big thank you to all of you who gave us feedback.
The survey included some questions about the P&C and its operations, and also some things the School wanted to hear about. The full report of the results is available here, but
here are some highlights.

  • Nearly 70% of parents preferred P&C meetings to
    continue via zoom rather than in person
  • Around 60-65% of parents might be interested in some kind of face-to-face social event.
  • The vast majority of parents who had used the Uniform Shop this year were either satisfied or very satisfied with their experiences, and found the staff and
    volunteers very helpful.
  • The survey results confirmed for the P&C Executive and the School that our investments in student well-being programs are essential, now more than ever.

Read the full report here: https://chspandc.org.au/survey-results/

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