Lockers are provided at various locations throughout the school by Chatswood High School P&C Association (CHS P&C) and are managed by CHS P&C on the School’s behalf.
The purpose of this agreement is to ensure responsible use of lockers. It is understood and agreed that locker use is a privilege and subject to termination (at CHS P&C’s discretion) if the guidelines are not followed.
Locker rental is available on a first-come, first-served basis to year 7 students. Any locker not taken up by year 7 students by may be offered to students in other years.
- Due to a rapid growth in year 7 students recently, there are not enough lockers to cater for all year 7 students. And due to building construction, the P&C are unable to locate any more lockers until the infrastructure rebuild is completed.
- A waiting list will be kept, and lockers will be offered as they become available.
- Please note that it is NOT COMPULSORY to have a locker.
Several lockers will be reserved for students with special requirements e.g. health/disability (payment and agreement still required). For details, email the locker administrator at or contact the school office.
The parent and student must:
- Read and agree to these locker hire guidelines.
- Pay the rental and padlock hire fee online – see TryBooking link below for payment.
The student must follow the guidelines set out below for the duration of the hire and at the end of their rental period students must return the use of the locker to the school as stipulated by email notification in Term 4.
Lockers will be allocated to the student in Term 1 with a combination padlock. This is usually done in week 3; an email will be sent to parents before this date.
How to Secure a Locker
Follow the following steps:
- Payment is via
- Agreement to the requirements is part of the payment process – i.e. you will have agreed to the requirements & conditions.
- Please note – bookings will open at 9am on the first Saturday of December.
- Allocation will be on a “first paid, first allocated” basis.
The school office will not accept payment for lockers.
Fees and Charges
- Locker and padlock hire fee for school year – $75*
- Online booking Fee – $0.50
- Replacement padlock fee – $30*
*Fees and charges include GST at 10%.
NB: There is a strict replacement padlock fee of $30. These locks are of high quality and unique, allowing the P&C to hold a master key in order to run operations. This recoupment fee of $30 is the RRP of the lock, to merely cover the cost price.
The locker hirer is responsible for the care of the locker during the hire period and all items stored in the locker. Chatswood High School P&C Association is not liable for the safety of any items stored in the locker.
It is the responsibility of the person hiring the locker to report any damage to the locker. At the end of the hire period (as notified by email in Term 4), the locker hirer must remove all items from the locker, clean it and lock it with the allocated padlock. Any items left in the locker at the end of the year will be disposed of.
The locker hirer is responsible for ensuring the student assigned to the locker understands their responsibilities.
Refund Policy
Locker hire fees will not be refunded if the hire ceases early for any reason. This includes a student leaving Chatswood High School during Term 1.
Padlock combination
You can change the combination of the padlock for the locker as follows:

For any questions email the locker administrator: