Here are some resources from well-being seminars and other discussions held at the school for parents:
Paul Dillon – Drug information for parents
Art of Smart
Recording (Passcode for access: =d04R&78)
The Sleep Connection
Black Dog Institute
7 ways to support a young person’s healthy headspace
Beyond Blue
Digital Distractions and Cybersafety
Digital Health and Wellbeing – Dr Kristy Goodwin
eSafety Information – Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Digital Nutrition – Jocelyn Brewer – Cyber Safety Experts
Parents at Work Video Webinar – Digital Wellbeing for Children
Talking the Talk
Guide on how to talk to kids about Sex and Sexuality
Resources for parents and kids
Sleep for Health
Strategic Plan 2019
The P&C raises the bulk of its funds through voluntary parent contributions to the P&C General and Building Funds. The P&C works closely with the school towards building a stronger school community where all children benefit.
P&C Contributions are vital to ensure key programs, equipment and initiatives are maintained. The more contributions that are received, the more opportunities we have to invest in our children’s development and education.
Suggested contributions are:
- Building Fund $150 (tax deductable)
- General Fund $100 (not tax deductable)
Building Fund $150 (tax deductible)
The CHS P&C Building Fund is approved by the ATO for tax-deductibility of donations credited to the fund. The associated Deductible Gift Recipient status (DGR) dates from 1 July 2002. If you have made the contribution to the Chatswood High School Parents and Citizens’ Association Building Fund you are able to claim the payment as a charitable donation deduction in your personal income tax return. For more information about charitable donations see the ATO’s website. “Where donors are not issued with receipts, other statements and records can be used to help in the preparation of their tax return.” Donations to the CHS P&C Building Fund are included with school fee payments and will appear on the receipt given by the school. A specific receipt from the P&C is not required.
General Fund $100
Donations to the P&C General Fund are not tax-deductible.
Although the Association is registered with the ACNC, the registration isn’t clear about the distinction in the deductibility of the two funds.
Parent contributions are collected with payment of school fees.
The P&C would also appreciate any other help you may be able to give – please fill in the Get Involved form if you haven’t already.
Our Aims
- to bring together the CHS community – the students, school and families to advance the best interest of students and school.
- to support the school to provide extra opportunities to make high school an enriching and engaging time for all our students.
- we do this by organizing social events, funding additional activities & resources and undertaking small building projects focussed on student amenities.
- we run the uniform shop.
Our 4 key strategic areas are designed to support student engagement and enhance the school environment and CHS community, as follows

Well Being Events are run complementary to the School’s curriculum program
- Our first well-being information session for families was held on Monday, 11th February in the school hall. Over 100 parents, mainly from Year 7, enjoyed Jocelyn Brewer’s (adolescent psychologist and teacher) talk to parents on ideas to help manage Teenagers & Digital Nutrition. The Parent Resource page has links to her website & resources.
- Monday, April 1, we will host respected author Madonna King speaking to our year 7-9 girl students during the day followed by a parent session on @6pm. Madonna has published 2 books – Being 14 – teenage girls (2017) ; and Daughters & Fathers (2018)
- Monday May 1. Following the succuss last year Tomorrow Man is returning to CHS to challenge our year 10 students on gender stereotypes. We are very excited to be one of the first schools to run the Tomorrow Girl sessions.
- Respectful relationships & sexual health sessions for year 9 will be held in term 3.
Enhancing the School Environment
- Upgrade to the school bathrooms
- Install bubblers near the oval
See the Income and Spending page for P&C funding commitments.
The P&C sources funds via parent contributions, grants, locker hire and community sponsors. Decisions about how to spend the money are made at the general P&C meetings.
Please note that this is not a complete list of expenditure and income for the P&C but is given as an indication of what the P&C has achieved in recent times.
P&C has committed to spending over $223,000 in 2019:
- $150,000 – bathroom renovations
- $10,000 – bubblers near the oval
- $3,500 – before and after school sports program
- $20,000 – various Well Being sessions – $16,800 funded by a grant from Chatswood RSL
- $17,000 – Duke of Ed program
- $300 – Chris Stirling scholarship
- $4,720 – Theatresports for year 9
- $10,500 – Uniform shop renovation
- $2,000 – Year 12 graduation gift
- $2,000 – Orientation day, World Teachers Day, Art Show, Welcome Event
- $3,000 – Leadership Camp
- $41, 684 – Family Contributions
- $8,677 – Locker hire
- $17,000 – RSL Grant
- $4,147 – Fundraising
- $3,406 – Interest
- $74,718 returned to CHS

- $87,100 collected in the General Fund
Expenditure: ( > $107,000 returned to CHS )
- $3,000 – Leadership camp
- $15,000 – High Resolves Support
- $300 – Chris Sterling scholarship
- $2,000 – Year 12 Graduation gift
- $6,100 – Wellbeing sessions for students and parents
- $17,500 – Funding Duke of Edinburgh Program
- $$3,500 – Elevate study skills program
- $4,600 – MacqLit LIteracy Program
- $25,000 – STEM equipment
- $30,800 – Quad redevelopment
- $39,253 – Parent Contributions to the General Fund
- $74,309 – Parent Contributions to the Building Fund
- $31,104 – Community Building Partnership Grant for quad upgrade
- $15,000 – High Resolves (RSL Grant for 2017)
- $2,000 – School Merit Award
- $3,000 – SRC Leadership Camp
- $500 – National Leadership Conference
- $13,000 – High Resolves (RSL Grant 2016)
- $300 – Chris Stirling Scholarship Award
- $15,233 – Quad Upgrade Project
- $25,000 – STEM – universal testing machine and hardness tester
- $675 – Year 12 Graduation Gift
- $1,950 – Function Catering
- $35,555 – Parent Contributions to the General Fund
- $72,365 – Parent Contributions to the Building Fund
- $3,062 – Lunar New Year Celebrations
- $13,000 – High Resolves (RSL Grant for 2016)
- $69,274 – Outdoor Learning Space
- $12,560 – Acoustic Door for Hall Extension
- $3,000 – SRC Leadership Camp
- $500 – National Leadership Conference
- $11,000 – High Resolves (RSL Grant 2015)
- $300 – Chris Stirling Scholarship Award
- $19,033 – Quad Upgrade Project
- $2,000 – School Merit Award
- $652 – Year 12 Graduation Gift
- $1,500 – Function Catering – Art Show, WTD, Orientation etc
- $11,490 – Parent Contributions to the General Fund
- $28,185 – Parent Contributions to the Building Fund
- $600 – Brokenwood Wines Fundraiser
- $672 – Outburst Winter Dance
- $11,000 – High Resolves (RSL Grant for 2015)
- $70,000 – Hall Extension
- $158,260 – Hall Extension
- $3,000 – SRC Leadership Camp
- $300 – Chris Stirling Scholarship Award
- $9,200 – Duke of Ed program
- $7,200 – Parent Contributions to the General Fund
- $9,920 – Parent Contributions to the Building Fund
- $70,000 – CBP Grant Funding for Hall
- $8,578 – Trivia Night
- $11,400 – RSL Club Grant for Duke of Ed
- $210,231 – Sale of Marnie
- $24,375 – Hall Extension
- $2,200 – Duke of Ed (RSL Grant)
- $300 – Chris Stirling Scholarship Award
- $45,000 – Interactive Whiteboards
- $11,000 – High Resolves
- $1,500 – SRC Leadership Camp
- $1,950 – Merit Award System
- $1,735 – Lockers
- $29,645 – Parent Contributions to the General Fund
- $14,245 – Parent Contributions to the Building Fund
- $20,000 – Trivia Night
- $10,000 – Canteen contribution
- $20,000 – Uniform Shop contribution
- $45,000 – Interactive Whiteboards
- $10,000 – High Resolves
- $1,970 – Merit Award System
- $2,500 – Rock and Water Program
- $545 – Art Show display boards
- $15,000 – Uniform Shop Refurbishment
- $3,944 – Lockers
Mrs Chris Stirling was a parent who was actively involved with Chatswood High School from 1996 to 2003, when she died after a short terminal illness. Chris joined the CHS community as a new parent in 1996 and was interested in supporting the School in whatever way she could. For the next six years she was an active member of the P&C Association and the School Publicity Committee. She also accepted the job of Uniform Shop Coordinator and used this role as an opportunity to both welcome and encourage new families to participate in the school community. Chris was elected to the P&C Association Executive (formerly known as the School Council), and in 2000 she held the position of President. Chris loved helping people, especially students, and was a volunteer scribe in the School Certificate and HSC for students with literacy difficulties. She also worked in the canteen and was employed by CHS in the Food Technology area. In 2001, Chris and husband Kim were awarded lifetime membership of the P&C Association in acknowledgment of their outstanding contributions to the school.
The Award
In memory of Chris and to honour her contributions, the P&C Association established an award, funded by the Uniform Shop and awarded each year at the CHS Presentation Day.
The Chris Sterling Award is merit-based, and awarded to a current CHS student who has dealt with a personal adversity or challenge that may affect their schoolwork, and who has shown resilience and strength.
Any CHS teacher may nominate a candidate for the Award. The CHS School Welfare Committee will select the recipient and notify the P&C Executive Committee in November each year.
The P&C Association will budget an amount annually for the Award. The value of the Award is currently $300. The P&C Association will consult with the CHS Principal at suitable intervals to review the Award’s administration including the amount to be provided.
The CHS Principal will notify the selected Student of his or her selection. The advice letter will include details of the Award’s origin and the dollar value of the award, The public presentation of the Award should also acknowledge the source and history of the Award.